Now for part two of the Sinn 2009 reviews....The Charlatans! (almost sounds like some horrible FOX sitcom..lol)..
Actually this is pretty funny....
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What do you think of him putting your girlfriend Erika at 5 Johnny?
Hypnotica won't be on the list, because he punked Sinn's ass after he shit-talked him. Sinn wants nothing to do with Hypnotica.
Look at her response:
Nice reframing Erika....NOT
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Haha she doesn't read his blog, I had just texted her the news
I guess Sinn couldn't get it up with Erika though, if ya 'nah mean...
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Erika should use Eft on this whole thingy so she ascends to another astral level of reality so Sinn's diss doesn't match her spiritual vibrations and doesn't register in her reality.
I'm glad i'm not the only one that thinks that Erika is full of shit.
Sinn and Cameron making a list of charlatans put them in a position of superiority, right? Talk about framing!
Sinn is weird... the guy tried to kill himself and he thinks is better than everybody...
And who's Cam Teone? Nobody remembered him until Barry ressurrected him in his show!
Barry should scream: "Give me the money Cam Teone!"
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Sean stephenson > fADER
this dumb erica cunt is sucking every "guru" cock yeah? i heard this bitch on the show, she sound like a fuchen zombie "ii...am..............erica.........i.........teach................pick...................up". you stupid fuchen slut. where the fuch are her fuchen gangbangs photoshops il post all over this cunts blog
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I would contemplate listening to the podcast if Cameron wasn't on it. I don't really dislike anyone in the community, except for that guy.
Did anyone listen to the podcast "nlp sucks" with Sinn. I thought it was supposed to be something good on nlp beacuse Sinn is a master prac. Guess not. Cameron destroyed that podcast. He's an even bigger judgemental hater than us. If the forum was to be called "Hate" he would be a avid member.
I cant believe people cant see what this list is for....its 100% for marketing purposes and pimping his friends. I love reading some of the comments on his blog where people are ACTUALLY seriously debating this list as if we are ranking all time Major League pitchers here
Most of those guys are brutal
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No doubt
A few months back, Gambler "opted in" to all the gayrus email lists like Sinn, Mehow, Venusian Arts, etc to send out a link to his product
Remember that video where that guy was ripping Gambler? That guy with the fucked up teeth